The Reasons of Safety for Non-Pilot Jet Fighter Flight

As company specializing in arranging flights in fighter jets to non-pilots, we find ourselves often confronted with interested clients worrying about the risks involved in flying jet. Everybody knows that jet pilots who regularly fly a fighter jet are athletes who spend a significant time of their work in gyms, strengthening both their body and their mind. Why, people ask, can john doe also fly in a fighter jet and even control the aircraft himself without such training and background?
The answer has a simple and a more complex part. Let's explore the simple part first. Basically, clients who pay to fly a fighter jet are, of course, not alone in the air. A seasoned test pilot or instructor will fly the fighter jet, and it's him who is flying the jet in crucial parts of the flight such as taking off or landing the jet fighter. Also, should there be an emergency such as a bird-strike or a technical failure while clients fly a jet fighter, it's the pilot's duty to land the aircraft safely. Still, the normal part of a sortie - that is, the jet flying in blue sky under good weather conditions - represents an ideal scenario to fly in a fighter jet. During such parts, there is not much skill needed to keep the aircraft going, hands down.
The complete picture, however, is not that simple and also consists of a more complex part: A huge portion of the skills of a fighter jet pilot is defined by his ability to fly a fighter jet in bad conditions. Such bad conditions of flying jet range from bad weather conditions to real hands-on combat situations. To fly in a fighter jet when you're the only man on the controls and your life depends on your skill can't be compared to a joyride in good conditions, where no external factors endanger the flight in the jet fighter.
So, when clients who pay to fly in a fighter jet are on board, most of what makes flying jets risky - most notably severe weather conditions and combat situations - is not present. Client's safety is the most important, and that is why private clients are only flying jet if all external factors give no reason to demand the pilot from reaching his limits. This, however, does not mean that clients will fly with unskilled pilots or that flying jet aircraft would normally not require skill. Pilots who fly a jet fighter are the elite who prevailed over a huge competition with other men who also wanted to make a living by flying a jet fighter. Consequently, flying jet as a non-pilot is safe for two reasons: The pilot who's flying the jet fighter is highly skilled, and the flight is being carried out under very favorable conditions.
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