Experience Zero Gravity within the Earth Atmosphere

Have you been in an elevator before? Needless to say, you would have found yourself in one. How do you normally feel when the elevator is on its downward motion? Do you have this strange and queer feeling of having no weight? Well, that is the exact thing that you will experience in a zero G flight. You will sense this kind of weightlessness that will make you feel so light to the extent that you may end up floating about just like it is experienced in space ships when they are in the space. It is one experience that you will give anything to have.
For quite a while now, there had been several researches on the development of the zero gravity flight. The intention of the zero G flight is to give ordinary air travelers the opportunity to have space adventures. This will make it possible for them to experience what is normally experienced by space men and women in their cozy looking space ship and their bulky space suits. It sounded like a rather daunting and impossible thing when the whole idea began. But the scientists pressed on and they were finally able to achieve their aim of bringing about the zero gravity experience within the earth atmosphere.
For quite a while now, there had been several researches on the development of the zero gravity flight. The intention of the zero G flight is to give ordinary air travelers the opportunity to have space adventures. This will make it possible for them to experience what is normally experienced by space men and women in their cozy looking space ship and their bulky space suits. It sounded like a rather daunting and impossible thing when the whole idea began. But the scientists pressed on and they were finally able to achieve their aim of bringing about the zero gravity experience within the earth atmosphere.
Scientists from different countries like the united states, Russia and France make up the main team that worked towards the success of the zero gravity flight. The NASA played a pivotal role in the achievement of the dream and today, it becomes possible for tourists to experience weightlessness just as it is experienced in space ships. If you had been to places like Disney world and the Niagara fall, you will discover that the kind of experience available in the zero gravity flight is completely incomparable with the pleasure and the nice time you had in those other places mentioned above. In fact, your adventure is not yet complete if you had not added the space adventure.
The zero gravity experience doesn't actually cost a fortune. You will not need to empty your bank account before you can go on a space adventure. The price to pay is not in anyway comparable with the price to be paid when you want to go on a real far space travel. Will you need special kind of suit that those space people put on? The answer is a big no. you will not need to kit yourself up like them since you are not going to face an unnecessary drop in atmospheric pressure.
What actually makes the zero G experience possible is the work of the Russians in taking parabolic flight a little bit further than what it had been in the past. This effort therefore makes it possible for you to have the zero gravity flight as a total untrained tourist. It is actually inculcated into a common day to day Boeing 747 airplane. In this kind of specially upgraded plane, you will be able to have the zero G experience for a good part of twenty five seconds.
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