Fly a Jet Fighter as Civilian

"I was dreaming to fly in a fighter jet since I was a child", says Bryan, a now 32-year old technology consultant. Years ago, he applied to the USAF since he wanted to fly a fighter jet just like other people drive a car. Unfortunately, he couldn't become a pilot as his eyes classification turned out to be too low for flying jet. Few people can tell that it's still possible to fly a jet fighter, even if you've never made a military career: Civilians are flying jet fighters on different airfields all over the world. How's that? Thanks to excellent connections to jet operators, specialized companies like Zurich-based MiGFlug are able to allow anyone interest to fly a jet fighter - provided these people have the funds required to fly in a fighter jet. MiGFlug maintains a network of experienced jet flight instructors who can take their clients in the air for a single jet flight. Flying jet is no low-cost adventure: Fuel is only one part of the cost of the jet fighter experience; maintenance, technology usage and taxes further add to the price to fly in a fighter jet. Bryan, however, doesn't mind these cost: "Even though my salary is average, I'm willing to spend two-thousand dollars on my dream to fly a fighter jet", he says.
Bryan was carefully screening all the jets MiGFlug has on offer before he settled for the real fighter jet. Most people who are flying jet opt to do so in the L-39, a very agile training and attack jet that offers great visibility - which is key in flying Mig. He learned that MiGFlug makes it possible to fly a fighter jet not only in Europe and Russia, but also in California, Florida and New York. It's his benefit that he owns a CPL which makes it easy to fly in a fighter jet. MiGFlug says that their clients don't need to be pilots to fly a fighter jet - in fact, most of their clients are non-pilots who are interested in flying jet. Pilots, however, have the advantage that they get more freedom while flying jet. MiGFlug states that it's clear their clients don't fly in a fighter jet all by themselves - at all times, an experienced instructor is flying the jet in crucial moments, during take-off and landing.
So Bryan meets his instructor - a seasoned jet fighter pilot and army veteran. After the jet flight instruction, jet systems training and safety course, Bryan enters the second cockpit of the jet fighter. Soon he'll fly a jet fighter all by himself under the competent guidance of a pilot who knows how it feels to fly in a fighter jet just like Bryan knows how it feels to drive a car. Soon, however, both of them will have flown a fighter jet and pushed to limits where only a few did before.
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