How to fly MiG 29 supersonic jet fighters

Although I’m more interested in history and naval/land forces than in fighter aircraft, I was enthusiastic about the new possibility to fly MiG 29 Fulcrum fighter aircrafts in Russia. Given the very high cost of operating a MiG 29 Fulcrum jet fighter, I was surprised that the price to fly MiGs is not that high.
When entering the airbase to fly a MiG 29, I realized that not much changed since the Soviet time, even when fly MiGs is possible in this place now. It seemed to me that the behavior of the crew there hasn’t changed much: They are old-fashioned, and talking a lot about the glory of the old time, when Mikoyan MiG 29 Fulcrum and Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker frightened the NATO-member countries and their military leaders. Somehow you can feel as “fly mig-tourist” in Russia that some older members of the ground crew would probably prefer to see flying MiGs to defend the Russian glory rather than flying MiG with passengers from western countries.
They also proudly talk of the superiority of their MiG jet fighters in dogfights. My objection that stealth and avionics are probably more important today than dogfight abilities replied by talks of the glory of Soviet engineers and Russian solidarity during wartimes that gives them an advantage over other countries.
Well, I didn’t exactly the point what it has to do with air force superiority, but what I can say is that the whole MiG-crew did a very good and professional job there. Fly a MiG 29 needs proper preparation, starting with medical checks, emergency preparations and systems training.
As you are more a co-pilot that is co-flying the MiG-29 than just a fly MiG passenger, you need to have some training before. The very nice pilot, Andreij Lukin, who was flying MiG jet fighter aircrafts for many years now, was trustful and professional. And above all, he cared very much about the feeling of the fly MiG customer. You could see that flying MiG is still impressive for him. And fly MiG 29 should also be a top adventure for the customer, he cared very much about that. Thank you Andreij, fly MiG with you was great fun, although I underestimated the power if the MiG 29 fighter aircraft and G-forces during the MiG flight.
I can tell you that flying MiG is really a unrivaled experience you will never forget. Fly a MiG 29 si not the only part if it, but also preparations, the Soviet feeling and the backward-looking people there are also an important part of the whole experience.
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