Get in the Groove with Weightless Flights

The status of unity is one wonder to behold. The same goes for every other wonders that we have in our world today. But one thing that many people may find rather difficult to ever believe is the possibility of a weightless flight.  If you ask most people, they will tell you clearly that it is only those in space ships that are able to have such experiences. It is rather difficult to blame them. They had been under the earth’s gravitational pull for so long to ever be able to think of the possibility of being free from it while still within the range of the atmosphere.

Experience Zero Gravity within the Earth Atmosphere

Have you been in an elevator before? Needless to say, you would have found yourself in one. How do you normally feel when the elevator is on its downward motion? Do you have this strange and queer feeling of having no weight? Well, that is the exact thing that you will experience in a zero G flight. You will sense this kind of weightlessness that will make you feel so light to the extent that you may end up floating about just like it is experienced in space ships when they are in the space.  It is one experience that you will give anything to have.

For quite a while now, there had been several researches on the development of the zero gravity flight. The intention of the zero G flight is to give ordinary air travelers the opportunity to have space adventures. This will make it possible for them to experience what is normally experienced by space men and women in their cozy looking space ship and their bulky space suits.  It sounded like a rather daunting and impossible thing when the whole idea began. But the scientists pressed on and they were finally able to achieve their aim of bringing about the zero gravity experience within the earth atmosphere.

Give Yourself the Zero Gravity Experience

What does it sound like to go for a space adventure? How does the idea of being like an astronaut sound like? Won’t you like to be just like they are in their “up above the world so high” space crafts? In case you have been having that dream, it is now available at your disposal. The zero gravity flight will give you that highly desirable feeling.

You do not need to go for any kind of special space travel training. The zero G will ensure that you have all the feelings that those bulkily dressed spacemen and women enjoy. By the time the trip is over, you will be able to confidently say that you too have been to the space above. By the time the role call of those fortunate men who had stepped on the “moon” or any of the “outer planets” is done, you may also get a mention.

MiG-29 Flight in Russia (Customer review)

Flying a supersonic MiG-29 jet fighter or another similar military aircraft has always been the dream of my life. My wife knew that and bought me a voucher for a Fulcrum MiG-29 flight from an experience gift company. This was surely the best gift I ever received.
The MiG-29 flight was organized by a specialized jet fighter flight company, MiGFlug. The Top-Service they offer are MiG 29 flights in Russia, and Zero G flights in Russia and the US. Next to that, they have many smaller, price worthy jet trainers they operate nearly everywhere. But I was lucky to receive the rather expensive MiG-29 flight in Russia, so we went to prepare. MiGFlug has been very professional and helped us a lot with visa etc. We felt very comfortable with them.

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